

Nidajet appreciates your interest in our products and website. We want you to be aware of how any personal data you provide to us is handled and to ensure that visiting our site does not cause you any concern at any time. The personal data you provide to us, including your email address, will be processed in the following manner :

  • We retain the data you provide to us for the purpose of obtaining information from us (such as an annual review or other document) in order to fulfill your request.
  • We retain the information you provide to us in connection with an application and process it only for that purpose with all due care.
  • We can only safely handle the personal information you send us once it has passed through our firewall (protective filter). Please consider this when sending confidential information.
  • The information we keep will also be used internally to conduct evaluations regarding visits to our site for continuous improvement. We will also use it to keep you informed about Nidaplast and its products. If you do not want your contact information to be used or no longer used for this purpose, please let us know.
  • We undertake not to transmit or sell your personal data to third parties other than the various divisions of Nidaplast or its direct partners.

Our website contains links to other sites. Nidajet cannot be held responsible for the privacy policy followed by these sites.

All personal data provided are kept in a file owned by Nidajet. These data are intended for the promotion of Nidajet products. You have the right to consult and correct your personal data. For further information, you can contact the Public Register of the Commission for the Protection of Privacy.

Terms of use

Visiting this site is governed by our Terms of Use and all applicable legislation. Visiting this site implies your acceptance without limitation or exclusion of the terms of use described below.


The contents of this site are copyrighted and these rights are owned by Nidajet and its suppliers and partners. All rights are reserved. Unless otherwise stated, the information contained in the site (including, but not limited to, text, presentations, illustrations, photos, and sound illustrations) may not be copied, moved, distributed, or stored without prior written consent from Nidajet. The modifications of the contents of the site are expressly prohibited. Some parts of the site contain illustrations explicitly protected by the copyright of their creators.

Trademark protection

Nidaplast is the owner of the trademarks Nidajet® (list to be consulted on the INPI) which are exclusive trademarks registered with the National Institute of Industrial Protection, and as such protected.

The use of either of these trademarks as a generic term for example to commonly refer to waterjet cutting board, or honeycomb core for waterjet cutting, is legally objectionable and prohibited.

Nidajet reserves the right to take action against any third party who reproduces its trademarks in a way or under circumstances that would be detrimental to it.

No warranty or liability

Les informations présentées sur ce site ne sauraient en aucune façon justifier de droit ou de responsabilité.

The information presented on this site does not in any way warrant any right or liability. The information and advice on the implementation of the products presented on the site and in the technical data sheets have been the subject of extensive reading but may still contain errors or vary according to the working methods chosen and the context of the site. In case of doubt, it is up to the user to consult us. Nidaplast cannot be held responsible for the information provided on sites that you would have accessed via its site. The links are a service that we propose to you and do not involve any responsibility on behalf of Nidaplast as for the contents of the sites. Moreover, it is up to you to check that these sites do not contain any virus or element with harmful character. We have the right to modify the information contained on our site without prior notice or obligation.

Comments, questions and suggestions

Nidajet does not wish to receive strictly confidential or private information via this site. Any information you send to us (suggestions, ideas, and the like) will be considered non-confidential and public, given our privacy policy regarding your personal data as set forth above. By sending documents to Nidajet, you give it the unlimited and irrevocable right to use this information, to publish it, to modify it, to process it, to diffuse it and to have it legally protected. Nidajet is also entitled to freely apply the ideas and techniques that you submit to it. Nidajet has developed this site with the greatest care, but welcomes any suggestion or comment about it. If you have any complaints about certain texts or illustrations, you can also send them to us.


Nidajet is free to modify the present terms of use at any time by publishing a new version on its site. The terms of use are governed by the law of the country where Nidajet has its legal seat, namely France, and any dispute will be governed by French law. If a court of competent jurisdiction should find any part of these Terms of Use to be invalid and unenforceable, the relevant part of the Terms of Use will be presumed deleted while the remaining provisions will be presumed to be fully valid and enforceable.

Cookie Policy

Nidajet uses cookies to better tailor its websites to your needs and preferences. You have the option to decline cookies. In this case, we draw your attention to the fact that our websites may not function optimally. You may not be able to access certain services we offer on our websites

If you do not refuse the generation of cookies and choose the 'continue' option, Nidaplast considers that you accept its cookies

You can find more information about cookies below, in the form of a Q&A

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file generated by the website you are visiting and stored in the browser of your computer or mobile device - smartphone, iPhone, iPad, etc. A cookie contains a code that can only be read by the server that placed it there. Therefore, the server does not have access to any other information that is on your computer or mobile device.

How is a cookie file designed?

Composition of a cookie file:

The name of the server that generated the cookie file

The mention of an expiration date

A unique encrypted code

What is the purpose of a cookie

Cookies allow us to optimize your surfing experience as a visitor to one of our websites as much as possible. In particular, by allowing you to navigate more quickly and easily between the different sections of the website or by adapting the content of our website to your personal preferences, for example, in terms of language.

Where can I find these cookies?

Cookies are stored in a separate folder on your computer or mobile device's browser.

What is a 'Session Cookie'

This cookie has the function of recognizing your browser for the duration of your visit to our websites.

What is a 'Persistent Cookie'

This cookie has the function of recognizing your browser for the purpose of recurring visits to our websites.

Which cookies are required?

If you disable must-have cookies, you will feel that some parts of our websites do not work or do not work as they should. Nidaplast uses this type of cookie when you fill out a form or to be able to chat on its blogs, for example. Nidaplast uses 'essential cookies' when you want to identify yourself on your personal account. These cookies allow us to securely verify your identity before allowing access to the personal information you have provided.

What is a 'Functionality Cookie'

As the name implies, these cookies ensure that our websites function optimally so that you have a pleasant and personalized browsing experience. Nidaplast uses 'functionality cookies' to 'remember' your personal preferences and to avoid communicating the same information in case of recurrent visits, for example in the case of participation in an action.

What is a 'Performance Cookie'?

Nidajet uses 'performance cookies' to collect information about how you use our websites so that we can adapt and improve the content and usability of our websites. These cookies remember, for example, the number of visitors per page or the language in which the website is most often consulted.

What is a 'Third Party Cookie'?

Third-party cookies come from advertisements posted by third parties on Nidajet websites. Their purpose is to adapt the advertisements and/or their content to your personal preferences. These cookies are visible only if you have not deactivated them. The use of third-party cookies does not give Nidaplast or advertisers (the third parties) access to your personal information in any way.

What is 'Embedded Content'?

Nidajet websites may redirect to other sites via a clickable link. This takes you to another organization's website. It is possible that the site to which you were redirected also uses cookies. Nidaplast therefore advises you to consult the terms of use of the organization concerned, mentioned on its website, and to inform yourself about its privacy and cookies policy.

How to manage cookies?

You are responsible for managing your cookies. You can change your browser settings to suit your personal preferences. You can delete installed cookies and refuse new cookies at any time by changing your browser settings. The website below provides you with an overview of the most commonly used browsers and guides you in setting your browser according to your preferences: http://www.aboutcookies.org/

End of Terms of Use..